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A number of sites that you should visit if you don't already:

  • my art site - my own personal corner of the web.
  • MegaTokyo - puts the l33t in 3l33t.
  • slashdot - the #1 site for all your geek news needs.
  • Penny Arcade - got wang?
  • PvP - Scott Kurtz is a cartooning god. seriously. i mean, seven days a week? the guy's insane.
  • Something Positive - i seriously identify with Davon. is that a good thing?
  • Crazy Kimchi/Kung Fool! - one of my personal favorites. (thanks for the link, Hyung!)

    more to be posted when i have the time

    trent is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics.